
9 AM and 11 AM


7 PM
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We believe that God desires all people in all parts of the Rancho and Pomona area to experience the life giving, life saving, life changing power of Jesus. We would love for you to join this family! Check out our upcoming events to get all information about what’s going on and how you can get connected

Our Leaders

Pastor Adam and Ashlee Mesa

Adam Mesa is a pastor, entrepreneur & creative consultant. Pastor Adam studied biblical studies and theology at Life Pacific University and the Masters University. As Lead and campus pastor, he has helped expand and establish the culture of ALFC. Being born and raised at ALFC, Adam has a continued passion to make disciples of the next generation. Cultivating an atmosphere that all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds can find a relationship with Jesus Christ. Pastor Adam and his wife, Ashlee live in California with their two sons, Matthias and Thomas.

All About The Next Generation