Generosity with Purpose.

with Purpose.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
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Where vision and generosity meet to ignite God-given purpose for generational reward.

The Legacy Team is a place for those who are called and equipped to finance the Kingdom of God and have been given the gift of generosity. This team has the unique opportunity to accelerate vision and leave a legacy through their giving.

Legacy Team members give influence, resources and time as a ministry expression. Each member prayerfully commits to partner with the church through their full tithe to leave an impact for generations to come. To partner and become a Legacy Team member, you must complete Growth Track

Legacy Lanes of Impact

We believe that the church can make true impact in these particular lanes which we call our Legacy Lanes. When generosity giants and the church come together, true impact can be made in our communities, globally and for the next generation. We have built strategic systems to define where we invest because together we can accomplish much more than we can do alone.

ALFC Projects and Campuses

Building and Expansion


Abundant Kids
Overcomers- Special Needs Ministry
Abundant Youth

Local Outreach

National Outreach

Global Outreach

If you have any questions or are interested in becoming a part of our Legacy team please contact us.

Contact us